2012년 1월 15일 일요일

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows

Hello everyone. I would write a summary on the book of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows". Which I haven't actually read yet so, I'm going to find out the summary out in from Wikipedia. Then I would try to write a summary as a comment.

Harry has finally got old enough to start his final journey to defeat Voldemort. Harry sets off with Ron and Hermione on a difficult quest to find and destroy the last of Voldemort’s Horcruxes. While the Durselys are forced to go into hiding so that Voldemort’s Death Eaters will not torture them. Only once those have been destroyed, Harry knows, can Voldemort truly be killed.
The journey itself is not easy. Harry is plagued with rumors of Dumbledore’s past, and begins to wonder if the Headmaster he so long revered might have had a much darker past than he ever let on. The three are frequently without food, and with winter coming their journey is no day at the beach. Because of their lack of plan, lack of food, and lack of progress, their spirits are often low, and Ron especially becomes argumentative. One night he and Harry get into an fight and Ron leaves to go back home.
Harry and Hermione are devastated that he’d abandoned them. They finally decide to revisit Godric’s Hollow in search of clues, and once again they’re almost caught by Voldemort. Every step they make, it seems, he is there anticipating them. They’ve almost died too many times to count, and their spirits sink even lower when Harry discovers his wand was broken in the battle.
Ron redeems himself a few weeks later by coming back and saving Harry’s life in the nick of time. They manage to destroy another Horcruxes with Gryffindor sword, and they become excited again as they begin to learn about a mysterious trio of magical objects called the Deathly Hallows. Whoever possesses the three objects will be a master of death, and to Harry, it’s his only one chance to beat Voldemort and live to tell the tale.
As his adventures and the danger he’s in increases, Harry begins to understand what Dumbledore hoped him to do. He realizes, almost at the last minute, that he had sacrificed his life in order for
Voldemort to truly be vanquished. With his heart filled with friends, he willingly gave his life so that they may live.
His last act of heroism, however, saved his life. He meets Dumbledore again in death, and Dumbledore answers many of his questions. He was given a choice to stay or to go back, and he chooses to go back and fight.
It’s all over between Harry and Voldemort with just one spell. Harry is left alive, the true master of the Hallows, and Voldemort is kille. He now understands more than he ever has about love, and life, and sacrifice, and in of the loss of many of his friends during the last battle, is grateful for the second chance he’s been given at life and love.
This summary on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is from Wikipedia.
I'm going to comment onto this blog and write my summary on this book.

The Magical Cookie Jar at GLPS

One day in GLPS, there was a post box sent to the office without any sender’s name or the receiver’s name. The office man, Mr. Tinkle was a very weak old man with very deep wrinkles. All he wanted to be was a young handsome boy with a big and sweet smile. He had no other complaints or wishes. Later on that day, he waited for the student, who’s the owner of this mysterious box to check their name and go, but even though he waited, there was no owner of that box! So, he called the post office. The post manager, who was Mr. Shrek said,” We don’t know where, when, or how this box came into our post office bus!”. Then, Mr. Tinkle said,” I have no idea why this box is here to”.

Later on, Mr. Tinkle came back to his office and kept on thinking and thinking. He questioned himself,” What could be in that box?”. He got really curious. He grabbed a scissor and tried to cut through the tape piece suck onto the both ends of the box lid, but there was a very big problem. His scissors weren’t working! He thought that he was weak like as ant so he couldn’t cut through the paper. So, he called the strongest PA in GLPS to cut the tape for him, but surprisingly he couldn’t cut it again!

He ran to his truck and went to a big mart. Then, he bought the biggest scissor he could find and ran to his truck again. He came back to his office and opened the scissor case, held it, then tore right through the tape as fast as a light bolt. He finally opened it! He quickly opened the box and what he saw was a jar full of cookie. He was really disappointed because all of the things he did were for a jar of cookie. Anyways, he was hungry so, he opened the lid and ate a big chocolate chip cookie. Suddenly, his wrinkles disappeared, his face was chubby, and he became handsome and young! He ran to the mirror and couldn’t believe his eyes. He saw a young boy. He showed a big sweet smile just like when he was young, beautiful, beauteous, and bewitching. His wish did come true.

2012년 1월 9일 월요일

Apology letter to Lieju

Dear Lieju,

I'm writing this letter because I saw the blog that you have felt bad when I was making fun of your height.You said, "You treated me like a student and I cried in my dorm last night because the students were laughing at me".I really feel sorry and it is all my fault that I have teased you with your height.

I will apologize to you in front of class 21 tomorrow. The reason that I teased you was because I was bored and I wanted to make the students laugh with my jokes. I didn't know that you would feel bad about my joke. Please forgive me for teasing you with your height and I know that people can't control their height themselves. You muist have been very mad at me and embarresed, I understand.

Now that I understand how people can feel bad with jokes, I'll promise thatI won't tease people with their height, skin color anymore.

I'll tell the students that it was only a joke and I that it was wrong for me to making fun of you. They were really mean to laugh at you getting teased. I will tell the students to not laugh at people getting made fun with jokes.I hope you can get better and I would want to be good friends again.



2012년 1월 5일 목요일

Apology letter to Lieju-corrected

Dear Lieju,

I'm writing this letter because I saw the blog that you have felt bad when I was making fun of your height.You said, "You treated me like a student and I cried in my dorm last night because the students were laughing at me".I really feel sorry and it is all my fault that I have teased you with your height.

I will apologize to you in front of class 21 tomorrow. The reason that I teased you was because I was bored and I wanted to make the students laugh with my jokes. I didn't know that you would feel bad about my joke. Please forgive me for teasing you with your height and I know that people can't control their height themselves. You must have been very mad at me and embarresed, I understand.

Now that I understand how people can feel bad with jokes, I'll promise that
I won't tease people with their height, skin color anymore.

I'll tell the students that it was only a joke and I that it was wrong for me to making fun of you. They were really mean to laugh at you getting teased. I will tell the students to not laugh at people getting made fun with jokes.

I hope you can get better and I would want to be good friends again.



2012년 1월 3일 화요일


Iam going to write a compliment on my friend, Sarah.

She was one of the most smartest girls in my school. She is really good at every kind of subjects such as math, science, society, art, music and etc.
She was a very good debater. She debated for more than 8 minutes and her intro,road map, motion were all clearly shown. Her report card at the end of the last semester, all of her subjects were 'consistent'. She became the smartest girl in our middle school. So, she got a award on being a good student for the YEAR.

(This is a true compliment on my friend and her name is Sarah ******)

2012년 1월 2일 월요일

Second Complaint


In 13th December, 2011 I wrote an essay for the writing class homework in my school. My friend Jessica forgot to write her essay which was until the fifth period. So, I just told her"Just tell the teacher that you just didn't know that it was until today". She said,"okay...". After the third period I had to go to the nurse room for about 30 minutes. So I just left my essay on my table at school and I went. While I was in the nurse room, my friend, Jessica secretly took my essay paper and copied it.

So, when it was the fifth period, I just handed in my essay paper with my name written on and the next day my writing teacher called me to her desk so I went. She was mad at me because she thought I was the one who copied Jessica's work. I felt so depressed for the rest of the day and I got no points for the essay.

I would really want you to apoligize to me.If you dont tell our writing teacher the truth, than I will tell the principal to give you a RedPoint(bad point) on your point list!

I'll look forward for your response.

First complaint-The South Face

First Complaint

At 12th December, 2011 I bought a jacket from 'The South Face' for about 250,000Won in their store in the internet.

I tried to wear this jacket for the school festival to match all the student's clothes into black jackets, but when I wore it the first time, I felt that one arm was short and the other arm was long! I was so surprised that the jacket was an abberation. I was disappointed in that brand. I liked this brand, but this jacket was actually must have been the jacket which was made with a mistake from the company. So because of this jacket, I had to wear a navy colored jacket by myself.

I would want to get a new same jacket with no wierd parts from the shop again because I bought this jacket and if I'm not able to wear this, then it would be a waste of money for me. The customers are not supposed to get wierd products from the company.

I would want to company to double check their products before selling them to their customers. If this company doesn't give me a new jackect, I would call the police(?)!

I look forward to the company(The South Face) 's response.

(This is actually a made up complaint so, it's not true...)